Our Instructors

John Borden

John has lived a health and fitness focused life from the moment he learned about the Presidential Fitness Award in 6th grade. On his first try, he missed the mark, but was given an opportunity to retest and worked daily to achieve his goal.

Since that moment, John has diligently maintained a dedicated workout schedule and consistently achieved goals in strength, cardiovascular endurance and body composition.

But it wasn’t all roses. Through his twenties, John fell into the traps of alcohol and immediate gratification and his life was thrown off course. But an experience with psychedelics helped to shake him free of his vices, and has recommitted his life to helping others achieve their best possible physical and mental state.

He knows the struggles, because he’s been there. And he will be there for you to help discover the power of your mind and body to create the life you want!

John is Certified as a Personal Trainer through the International Sports Sciences Association and is CPR/AED Certified.

Over the years, he maximized his performance in baseball through training to maximize athleticism, then focused on powerlifting, before finding his current focus on metabolic conditioning and performance optimization.

Regardless of if you’re looking to lose weight, put on muscle, or just find a new level of performance, John is confident he can help you get there!

Learn more about my story here